Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Birthday

For Erik's birthday this year, I sent him to Boise for a weekend with friends and football. I took about 150 cookies to his work to surprise him with his birthday gift. So we celebrated his birthday a few days early at our house, then sent him off for a boys weekend. Yup, I'm awesome. He had a lot of fun, but of course didn't take any pictures (even though I sent him with a camera). Aw well. The kids and I stayed busy doing little projects around the house. Happy Birthday Erik!

The previous weekend we went to the Issaquah Salmon Days parade. Who doesn't love a parade?!

Just love these faces. Not quite sure what was going on,but this is classic.


banananutmeg said...

What a sweet surprise. You ARE awesome.

Anna Beal said...

Marcie your family is so cute! You didn't come to Boise with him? Where are you living?

Brittany said...

Uh YA you are awesome!! Seriously - he is lucky to have you!! The pics all look so cute from the parade - what a fun day!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that pic of Troy and Brooklyn sitting next to each other- they look like such good buddies. Nice work on the b-day present too! I think you're up for wife of the year!