Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm a big kid now!

Brooklyn is my big 3 year old. And what usually happens when you have a 3 year old (other than screaming tantrums when they don't get the toy/popcorn they want while trying to escape Target without being reported to CPS because you just flicked her lip while complete strangers stared at you like you were beating the crap out of your child...not that this happened to me, I've just heard about it. ha!)? Well, when you have a 3 year old, you start preschool. Actually, I had no intention of putting Brooklyn into preschool, I just don't feel it necessary when I can teach her the same things if not more while at home and saving $200 per month. But a few of us moms with preschool age children got together and started a little preschool of our own. We ordered some awesome (and inexpensive!) curriculum online and divvied out the next 9 months between the 5 of us. I was first up with September. I have to admit, I was a little hesitant and nervous about the first day, but it was a total success! What a blast we had. And such SMART kids! I am having such a blast so far, and I'm looking forward to teaching again in February (ok, and I'm also excited about NOT teaching for 4 months lol).

Such sweet siblings.

Posing before school starts. 1st day!

snack time, yellow and red foods

The 2nd week we made pizza. They were a hit!! We do lots of fun things, other than just eating  too. :)


banananutmeg said...

how fun! I love preschool (obviously)! Enjoy your time teaching, and REALLY enjoy the one on one time with T. He'll seem like such a big boy when she's gone, and running errands with less kids is suddenly so much easier!

And we've NEVER been those people with the screaming kid in Target. Never. So much never that I rarely even take one of my kids with me to Target because she is always such an angel there ;)

Brianne said...

Augh! Lauren just erased my super long comment. I guess it was too long. So I'll just say... it was fun to see pictures of preschool!

The de la Houssaye's said...

HOw fun! I am sure you are a great teacher!

Scott and Jamie said...

Are you doing Joyschool? I'm totally doing that with my girl Ella. She LOVES it!

Brittany said...

cute pictures!! I had no idea you guys made! (obviously Gabe is a total guy and doesn't tell me anything!) preschool is really fun - i'm so glad we are doing it!!