Saturday, October 17, 2009

Where did my babies go?!

Troy turned 14 months yesterday. He is totally acting like a toddler lately, and not so much like a baby. So sad! He has grown leaps and bounds these past couple months. He has conquered walking (and almost running-he started walking consistently around 12 1/2 months), tackling his older sister, playing catch with whomever will play with him, climbing onto chairs, folding his arms for prayer and so many other things. His favorite words and phrases are: I love you (Ay wuv you), I want some more (Ay dum mo), Hi, Buh-bye, ball, dog-dog, Dada, Mama, outside (oodide), and so many more! He is such a sweet happy boy. He loves playing with Brooklyn and enjoys teasing her even more. Little stinker! Oh, and he pretty much always has bloody lip. And right now he's sporting a black eye that he's had for almost 2 weeks now! He's a rough and tumble kind of guy.

Brooklyn is now 27 months and has also grown leaps and bounds. She gibber-gabs with me ALL DAY LONG...and I love it! She often talks about her Grandma's and Grandpa's, playing outside on the slide and swings, painting and coloring, and going bye-bye. She LOVES going anywhere, but especially Lowe's (she loves the car carts there), and the grocery store where she always gets a free cookie. If I even go in the direction of Lowe's she asks if that is where we're going. Silly girl. She is a very sweet big sister and plays so well with Troy. She doesn't really like to "share" her toys, but she will take turns. Whatever works right? One of my favorite things about Brooklyn right now is her singing. She loves to sing, and has started busting out songs out of nowhere lately. Especially "Little Mermaid" songs, "Happy Birthday," "Twinkle, Twinkle," "ABC's," and "The Wise Man Built His House on the Rock." But she does NOT enjoy my singing and usually tells me to "STOP SINGING!" Ouch, Grandma and Grandpa paid a lot of money for me to be a good singer you little stinker! lol She is my little joy!!


banananutmeg said...

my kids tell me to quit singing as well. What gives?!

Shame on those babies for growing up. no fair.

Auna Leigh said...

I was at your folks just last night taking pix of Andi's family in the back yard! K- so didn't know your moma was in the hospital. Melanie, Holly and Heather were all there. It was fun to see everyone... but i'd much rather see you! your dad is soooo sweet. i'm sure you know that, but he was all happy to see us and hadn't changed a bit. your parents know how to make a magical backyard! my kids loved it, as i still do! love ya!

Lori said...

I was just thinking the other day how troy has totally gone from baby to toddler/little man in the little time since we met him. He's got his strut on and is practicing his pick up lines left and right! It's crazy how quickly time flies.

aubreyannie said...

such cute picture, marcie! time flies..i know it. and luckily my kids don't know that i'm a terrible singer. someday, though..they'll figure it out after hearing someone like you sing.

Philip and Melissa said...

what great pics my friend! such beautiful little people you have.